It’s a Miracle of YaHuWaH: 12 Tribes, Being Restored: All You Seed of YaShaRAeL Esteem YaHuWaH, as YaHuWShu’A Did


Someone once asked me what is the power of the number 22. Well, there’s 22 letters in the Hebrew ALePh BeT.  

And, here’s another 22 and 22. Psalm 22, verse 22, and then let’s continue reading on from there:

22. I make known Your Name to My brothers; In the midst of the assembly I praise You.

23. You who fear יהוה, praise Him! All you seed of Ya‛aqoḇ, esteem Him, And fear Him, all you seed of Yisra’ĕl!

24. For He has not despised Nor hated the affliction of the afflicted; Nor has He hidden His face from Him; But when He cried to Him, He heard.

25. From You is My praise in the great assembly; I pay My vows before those who fear Him.

26. The meek ones do eat and are satisfied; Let those who seek Him praise יהוה. Let your heart live forever!

27. Let all the ends of the earth Remember and turn to יהוה, And all clans of the nations Bow themselves before You.

28. For the reign belongs to יהוה, And He is ruling over the nations.

29. All the fat ones of the earth Shall eat and bow themselves; All who go down to the dust bow before Him, Even he who did not keep alive his own life.

30. A seed shall serve Him. It is declared of יהוה to the coming generation.

31. They shall come and declare His righteousness To a people yet to be borna, For He shall do it!

Father, thank You for priming me with that person’s question to better hear Your voice tonight: Carry On With the Work I Have Given You.