Seeing the Creator in Genesis 1 in the Dead Sea Scrolls Fragment: There is no GoD mentioned; There is ELoHiYM and AeT, The ALePh and the TaW
In this Dead Sea Scroll Fragment of BeRAShiYTh/in beginning/aka ‘Genesis,’ we have artifactual evidence that ELoHiYM is the self-chosen and communicated title of the Creator. It is not G-D. There is no G-D on this fragment. We want to rightly divide the word, and rightly separate and identify what the Creator told us about Himself. On this Dead Sea Scrolls fragment is the proof of what He called us.
This Dead Sea Scrolls fragment was found in Qumran Cave 4. You can view it at
In the image below, which has been annotated, you can see that the entities of Creator are identified on this Dead Sea Scrolls fragment from Genesis 1 as ELoHiYM, and AeT (ET, the ALePh-TaW, the first and the last).
The ALePh and TaW on this Dead Sea Scrolls fragment is generally believed to be the representation of the Messiah through the 22 letters of the creative ALePh-BeYT (aka ‘alphabet’).
Nowhere in the Hebrew Scriptures in their entirety does G-D represent ELoHiYM. And, to get back to the source and study to show ourselves approved, the farthest we can go back in recorded history with a copy of the Hebrew scriptures is to look to the Dead Sea Scrolls fragments. If you can find a G-D on the Dead Sea Scrolls fragments, or a LORD or a Jesus, I want to know. Please let me know what you’ve found, along with your Dead Sea Scrolls fragments.
The Dead Sea Scrolls fragments are our earliest written history of the Hebrew Scriptures. It is very important that we look to the root for the truth. We cannot just have some spiritual manmade teaching. But, we are responsible to share only truth. And, in order to do that we have to go to the original Source. The Dead Sea Scrolls fragments are the very farthest that we can get back into the ancient times in search of the truth.
In part of our study, we must also examine lexicons and Strong’s Concordance and other Hebrew dictionaries. In all Hebrew dictionaries and lexicons, G-D is defined as the name of the Babylonian deity of fortune.
You can also see it identified by the Strong’s Concordance, referencing Isaiah 65:11, as H1408, H1409, and it is there identified as fortune, and the name of the Babylonian deity of fortune.
YaHuWaH is the Name of ELoHiYM. We see His name first in the Scriptures in BeRAShiYT/in beginning/aka ‘Genesis’ in chapter 2, verse 4.
And, He commanded His people to not speak the name of false mighty ones, nor to go after other peoples to inquire how they worship of their ELoHiYM/mighty ones.
YaHuWaH tells His people, further, that His name is QaNAh/Jealous.
In Y’Sh’AYaH/salvation of YaHuWaH/aka ‘Isaiah’ 65:11 says in the restored name HalleluYah Scriptures, “But you are those who forsake YHWH, who forget My QoDeSh mountain, who prepare a table for G-D, and who fill a drink offering for MeNiY [Babylonian deity of fate].
Here, we see this fragment from BeRAShiYT/in beginning/aka ‘Genesis,’ chapter 1 annotated in English. Again, there is no G-D here. Only ELoHiYM and AeTh, the ALeP-TaW, the Beginning and the End.
Here, in this Dead Sea Scrolls fragment, you can see the Name of ELoHiYM, which is YaHuWaH recorded as a witness to you, in the Paleo Hebrew language.
I want to share Jonathan’s recent video, I HAVE DISCOVERED THE KEY TO EVERYTHING, URGENT! Know the importance of this choice for your life, to walk in the Name of YaHuWaH.
Please also take this opportunity to examine other restorations the Father YaHuWaH has for us, that are available on this website. And, if you are ready to learn Paleo Hebrew, we are getting ready to begin our course, with Eric Bissell and I sharing this journey with you. Please send me an email and tell me to add you to our waiting list. We’ll inform you soon of our application availability: mailto: